To: The Honorable Mr. Barack H. Obama

Original Date: July 2, 2010

Dear Mr. President, 

            I respectfully disagree with your position that a barrier along our borders ". . . will not work!"   If you will recall a former President (Reagan) proposed amnesty for some 1.4 million illegal aliens (May 4, 1987 deadline) and some 23 years later, we have more than twelve million illegal aliens in residence!  A person of modest intelligence (meaning any idiot) can conclude an amnesty program does not solve the problem if it is not accompanied by secured borders!

            To make legal entry into our country, an applicant must have no criminal record, must be financially responsible (or be promised employment), and must be physically and mentally sound.  What do we know about these millions of non-citizens?  This country went to war because of a terrorist attack and has spent $-billions in money and thousands in human lives!  Can we say of these 12-million persons who have crossed our borders in violation of our immigration laws, not one is a potential terrorist, or worse?

            And if we can sacrifice thousands of our fellow citizens and spend $-billions in a foreign land in theoretical defense of country, why is it that we cannot secure up our borders as part of this same national defense?!

            This is not rocket science!  It was Karl Marx who claimed "you cannot have a problem unless the solution is already evident!"         There is a fair and viable solution which does NOT involve "amnesty" and should be a part of secured borders - please see enclosed news article - June 27, 2007 (Monterey Herald).  I see no reason why this nation should not support some sort of "guest worker" program as demonstrated by Jeffrey West and allow those who are living here in an illegal status an opportunity to become part of a guest worker program so they can come out of hiding.  Moreover, I feel a cooperative agreement should be made with the nation of origin of these guest workers to share in the medical expenses, education expense and retirement program for these workers.


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