One would think, based upon all the rhetoric concerning Rush Limbaugh's foul mouth and abusive comments that somehow our perceptive leadership had finally settled on an issue of majestic importance - or is this just another babble of tongues designed, apparently, to divert our attention from really important issues - like maybe a sobering look at over-population, pollution and the apparent effort to destroy the very planet upon which live?
The Catholic Church has historically been inflexible with respect to its abhorrence of any "unnatural" technique to avoid pregnancy. This ideology has been extended to Africa where huge populations starve on an annual basis. The irony is many conservationists urge something be done to prevent these same starving peoples from cutting down the forest in order to grow crops to feed themselves. Various unusual and rare plants, birds and animals are at risk of becoming extinct because of deforestation and the large stands of trees in Africa and South America help clean the air which benefits populations around the globe.
The world has had to live with acid rain; we are told our rivers, streams and fresh water sources are becoming polluted from human waste, insecticides and agricultural fertilizers. Even the oceans are suffering from pollution, over fishing and poor management which will ultimately lead to extinction of food sources and the balance of nature. We are informed the ozone layer is disappearing; hence, a rise in world temperature and a melt-down of the ice pack which may explain the unusual and violent weather and on and on it goes.
It would appear that our world environment is being plundered and over-run by thoughtless creatures who are supposed to have superior intelligence. Based upon all the rhetoric concerning whether or not our insurance carrier "ought" to be required to cover contraceptives so as to prevent unwanted pregnancies, one might ask "is our planet running short of these two legged, upright homo-sapiens?" Moreover, if we allow indiscriminate use of these preventive devices, will humans become extinct? Obviously, someone must think so because no one is complaining about insurance coverage of Viagra and other potions which are designed to enhance sexual activities.