September 2014 Archives

Domestic Violence: The NFL nightmare

There is little doubt the nationally televised assault by Baltimore Ravens running back Ray Rice exposed to a national audience a kind of domestic violence which is often hidden behind closed doors.   Rice, with a single blow from his left hand, rendered his girlfriend completely unconscious.  Moments later, he is shown dragging the limp and unconscious body out of the elevator.

Results of this televised "event" has led to national outrage and demands that retaliatory punishment be immediately thrust upon a man caught up in the glare of notoriety much like a moth blinded by a momentary glare of a rapidly approaching vehicle. 

A Gathering Storm

The latest political dispute coming from our leaders in Washington D.C. is yet another "evil-doer" plot in the Middle East.  Everyone agrees the terrorist group: Islamic State of Iraq & greater Syria (termed "ISIS - ISIL" for short) is a brutal military force which has a nasty habit of killing off people who fail to join their version of the Islamic faith.  As per usual, there is no consensus among our leaders concerning a realistic policy.  

A World-wide Dilemma

The Good old days.

Us older folks can remember a time when small communities actually placed a welcome mat out for strangers to come and be a part of the community.  Moreover, a brand new three bedroom, two bath (1,085 sq. ft.) house with a two car garage could be purchased for $16,000 or less.  There were many two lane roads in those days, but traffic was "tolerable," as the saying goes.

The Minimum Wage boondoggle

Apparently, our national leaders are continuing to debate the on-going saga of "Minimum Wage."  Elizabeth Warren, U.S. Senator from Massachusetts argues (in the September issue of American Legion magazine) that: "No one should work full time and live in poverty."  Pat Roberts, U.S. Senator from Kansas (same American Legion issue), contends that raising the minimum wage to $10.10 per hour could cost Americans as much as 500-thousand jobs.

December 2014

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