The right to die

The Right to Die

          When discussing the "Right to Die" legislation that "S" word (suicide) keeps popping up as if any legislation that might relieve persistent and agonizing pain of a loved one is a form of suicide and therefore despicable! 

They shoot horses don't they?!

          Childhood hop-along Cassidy westerns portrayed the heroic cowboy as being compassionate and thoughtful when putting to death his trusty horse to prevent pain and suffering of a broken leg or other disabling injury.

          It is not that unusual for a pet owner to put down his favorite dog or cat if it is determined the health issue will result in a lingering death sentence. 

But somehow, when it comes to family members who, in many cases, have given us life, provided us with loving care, food and shelter, but who, in their declining years, have fallen prey to some terrible end of life ailment; well, they must be prevented from getting relief from their pain and suffering because that would be a form of suicide.

         I might mention the movie "Soylent Green" (Charlton Heston - Edward G. Robinson) which offered a simple and effective way to end it all when a person gets tired of living.  Of course, our society abhors this solution, but it is a better alternative than some crazed individual who loads himself up with a bomb and kills everyone around him - or that person who commits suicide by cop.

In any case, it is time for this society to give our "human" loved ones the same respect we reserve for our pets.



May 2015

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