Is it State's rights or violation of Federal Law?

Is it State's rights or a violation of Federal law!

          A recent editorial appearing in the Contra Costa Times contends that, because Gov. Jerry Brown has signed tough medical marijuana laws, the federal prosecutors are wasting precious tax dollars on "pot" enforcement.  Can we conclude, based on this reasoning, that California Law should take precedent over Federal Law?

          I find this commentary fascinating since the possession and/or sale of marijuana is in violation of federal law; never-the-less, California has made it legal to acquire, (after obtaining a prescription from a medical doctor), a medical version of this illegal drug.  Promoters of medical pot encourage local communities to join in these illicit sales in order to collect additional sales tax revenue.

          One wonders what happened to the notion that the sale of prescription drugs should be handled through a local pharmacy by licensed personnel?  The local drug store dispenses some seriously powerful drugs and falls within the boundaries of the law; moreover, prescription drugs from a pharmacy are exempt from sales tax.

The Tenth Amendment to the Constitution states: "Powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

          Does California have the right to ignore Federal Law on the assumption that somehow, the Tenth Amendment is no longer relevant or somehow flawed?

          But there was another time when the law was largely ignored.  The Eighteenth Amendment was put on the books Jan 29, 1919, which prohibited the sale of alcoholic beverages.  The Infamous prohibition era followed in which various bootleggers and criminal elements provided illicit liquor to willing customers without benefit of tax revenue or quality control.  Speakeasies sprang up where sales of liquor became common knowledge.  Even so, no State had the nerve or audacity to pass legislation challenging federal law to allow the sale of liquor.

          Most people are aware that Colorado and Washington states have legalized the sale of Pot for recreational use which is clearly in violation of federal law.  I find this trend troubling.  This country has always been a nation of laws.  It would seem a unified nation would recognize and honor the law of the land because, to do otherwise, can only lead to chaos.  A mere glance at the "Tribal" and splintered societies of the Middle East is an example of why a democracy cannot work unless each state (or tribe) is willing to honor a national law.

          It should be noted the 18th Amendment was repealed December 5, 1933 because it was deemed unenforceable.  Accordingly, it would appear logical to repeal the federal marijuana law thus making it legal for local governments to license pot sales.



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