So you want to be an employer

So you want to be an Employer?

          You, as an employer, must pay disability insurance (SDI),  unemployment insurance (FUI & SUI), workman's compensation and one-half of Social Security-Medicare.   Other obligations include health insurance, vacation pay, sick leave, Crime Victim's leave, Domestic Violence leave, Jury Duty Time off, Military service leave, paid family leave, school appearance leave, volunteer civil service leave and a check of your employee to meet federal I.D. requirements. 

          There are also permits and license fees, health and fire inspections, and you get to collect sales tax and report various withholding taxes for the State and Federal government.

You must protect yourself from work place harassment, discrimination and retaliatory litigation and provide, on a company bulletin board, a mind numbing array of laws and regulations imposed by State and Federal legislation.

          And now California is considering a minimum wage of $15 per hour and a proposal (SB1234) which, if passed, would require employers, who don't offer retirement accounts, to automatically enroll their employees in the state-run plan.

          According to recent estimates, the state-run pension plans (CalPERS and CalSTRS) have an unfunded liability of $175 billion; so it is only logical that an estimated 7 million people, who don't have access to a pension or 401(k) savings plan, should be included in another State boondoggle at employer's expense.

          It is little wonder that many employers offer a "self check-out" counter in an attempt to reduce employee costs.  

          There appears to no end to legislative requirements for those persons who are foolish enough to open a business which requires human help.  Accordingly, many existing businesses have opted for mechanical and automated devices to cut down on employee expense. 

At the current trend, one wonders how long it will be before the unemployed masses will be unable to purchase the products created by manufacturers who no longer employ human help?

All things considered, why would anyone want to be an employer?



May 2016

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