Why Donald Trump

Why Donald Trump?

          I am just a simple country boy standing by a river of false promises and juvenile name calling, watching my country float by, heading toward a giant precipice called "the national debt."

          Why, do you suppose, a loud mouthed braggart, who claims to know it all, is the leading Republican candidate for the highest office in the nation?  

      The answer appears simple enough - he is the only candidate talking about the issues which have made the general public angry i.e. ineffective government, misplaced accusations about where things have gone wrong; millions of illegal aliens within the country when the threat of terrorism is very real, engagement in endless Middle Eastern wars which we cannot win, a mounting national debt, declining value of the dollar, deteriorating roads and bridges in our country and unrestricted fraud in the healthcare system.

          Instead of the lynch mob rhetoric directed at Donald Trump to displace him as a front runner, it would appear more logical to join him in the discussion of the real issues facing this nation, and then let the best man win.



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